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i finished this game like 10 minutes ago and i'm shaking still


i didnt quite get the ending. What was his father digging for,how did he grow so tall and what happened to his little brother. However the game was amazing and had my heart beating really fast.

(3 edits) (+2)

It is implied that the father's obsession with digging this hole, as well as the actual digging taking place, has warped and transformed the father into something unrecognizable. Somehow, he has tapped into something unnatural, and it has changed him (hell, the narrator mentions his mouth being particularly dark... he's LITERALLY eating the dirt!) You could think of it as being about a family being torn apart by a parent's addiction or chronic absence, but here the addiction is like... some kind of supernatural horror that also sends the mother into a spiral (it's mentioned that she is frequently absent, and it's implied that she abuses drugs or alcohol before the family abandons the father). The narrator's brother is more willing to go down into the hole, and he was the one who really wanted to find their father and reunite with him, while the narrator (like her mother) is more hesitant, and perhaps this desire may have led him to the same fate as the father, digging an endless hole. And because the little brother is younger, the father's digging is more 'normal' to him, while the narrator is more disturbed by it because she is old enough to remember a time before the digging. (As for the father's brother... I'm not sure.) As for why they're so big, the father mentions that humans used to be much bigger, and this desire to return to that state is part of his motivation in digging the hole.  Sorry for the infodump I really love this story and it took me a few playthroughs to really get it.

Long, Long Arms Sequel When? 


What a wonderfully written and deeply unsettling story this was. Loved it!


Brr... Still think about this game. I really wish one of the big YouTubers would play it and give it the recognition bump it deserves.

Yeah, sadly it's difficult to fake scream over a Twine game.

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They don't need to scream, just be highly unsettled. Like me!

guess the father was right....


I wont lie to ya but this game was not only fantastically full of suspense at first but it was very intriguing and thrilling at the same time. had my heart racing a bit when the digging started. overall it was truly splendid. thank you for the experience and its good you were inspired by junji itos work.

i feel a little weird since like almost every comment i read talks about how terrifying this game is,for me i did not get any trauma but the game is really good i will recommend this to my friends,we have a group there we recommend horror games to each other =)

wonderful bit of writing. you'll like this if you liked the uncle who worked at nintendo and/or house of leaves


Beautiful. Shovel sound wouldn't work so I had to use my i m a g i n a t i o n


i am scared.

this gave me the chillsss omg

this was terrifying..

extremely unnerving and very evocative!! absolutely loved this

Amazing game!!


I am new to twine. How do you show multiple text boxes in one page? 


This is genuinely one of my favorite works of fiction, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone that will listen. Do you have a transcript of the story? I know it takes something away from the experience, but I cannot get my friend to play through it. They still want to read the story, though!


absolutely horrifying in the best ways possible. i have a new fear of basements now!


This was absolutely terrifying to me and I had to space out the days to it. I'm not sure if there is a proper ending, as I was stuck at the screen where you hear someone humming "You Are My Sunshine" in a deep rumbling voice and seeing the image of very long hair legs. But aside from that, the subtle way of the screen darkening each time you progress deeper down, the effect of the flashlight and usage of the sounds was so effective and terrifying. I absolutely adored it if only it didn't make me want to scream in fright! Amazing twine, really enjoyed it!


This is such a terrifying, beautiful, and haunting game. So well done!

how do i play the game? it says something about local storage

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Twine (what this was made in) uses cookies to store save data and displays that error when you have cookies blocked.

Just switching to a web browser you use less often is probably the easiest way to play the game, as they'll typically have cookies enabled by default.


I can't believe it's taken me this long to play this. I love it.


i am stuck on the image with very, very hairy leg


I really, REALLY want someone to remaster this into a 3D/2D adventure game where you explore the caves and have to avoid "Father"


This is one of the few games that actually made me feel uneasy. If you're up for some reading I highly recommend this


I read this a long, long time ago, and coming back to it today, it holds up just as well now as it did then. A wonderfully unsettling and vivid piece that I'll always hold dear in my heart.


The quality of writing in this story really sets it apart from many other attempts at IF horror. It would be creepy in any form.


This is really such an amazing game. It was incredibly atmospheric, and this is truly one of the best twine games I've ever played. The flashlight effect was ingenious, too!


Can't believe this is almost a decade old. Dang. I've really slipped in terms of my keeping up to date with IF or Twine more generally. This is still one of the best, honestly up there with Emily Short and Adam Cadre and other stalwarts. I selfishly hope academia doesn't keep you so busy you won't make more games.


holy shit. wonderful use of the few sounds. the writing makes you feel dirty and unclean but in a good way. and that flashlight effect is unlike anything in twine i've ever seen. truly a treasure that made my skin itch.


Well, this is going to live in the back of my mind for a long, long time.


this game still endures in my memory as one of the best twine pieces i ever had the pleasure of experiencing. i think i must have been in middle school or just going into high school and it scared the ever-living daylights out of me the first time i ever played it. i'm glad to be able to return to it again with this update!


Man, what a classic. Glad to see this get an update!

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Such a good game. I was pleasently surprised to find out that this one and "the uncle who works for nintendo" have the same author. Good job man.


The original version of this game is probably my favorite Twine game, hands-down! Glad to see it still getting love.